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EQV Fraternity 1954 - 1968

EQV Sponsored Summer Interns


At the end of the EQV first-ever reunion in 2005, a meeting was held to discuss an idea proposed by Steve Oleskey.  Steve talked of his experience in his junior summer when, having received a small grant from Wesleyan so that he did not have to get a job during the long vacation, he studied the First Amendment.  That opportunity to study and the subject of his study set him firmly on the path of a legal career.

As a legacy of EQV and what it meant to us, Steve proposed that we sponsor a number of interns every summer for the following 10 years.  We would be able to pick those students whose proposed summer projects we felt best fit the EQV ethos, and the only obligation those students would have to us would be to report on their experiences.  We would also invite them to a reception in the fall following their internships to talk with us and, as it has evolved, have dinner. 

After a decade of our funding, the program would be turned over to those we had sponsored, and they would carry it further, perhaps indefinitely. 

Those at the meeting agreed that such a project would be mutually rewarding – to those we sponsored and to us who participated in funding it and making it work.

What follows in these pages, then, are the bio’s of each year’s EQV “Fellows” and their written reports.

How To Make Your Donation

 There are several ways to contribute.

  • You can make a credit card gift online through Wesleyan’s giving page. Go to: Enter your gift amount, personal details, and in the Additional Information section under Special Instructions—please enter “EQV Intern Fund” to earmark your gift.
  • You can mail your check to Marcy Herlihy (Marcy Herlihy, Director of Stewardship, Wesleyan University, 318 High Street, Middletown, CT  06459) and note on the “memo” line of your check: “EQV Intern Fund.”
  • You can direct your charitable gift fund “recommendation” to Marcy Herlihy, splitting out how much of your recommendation goes to the Wesleyan Fund, to the EQV Intern Fund, and to whatever else your heart desires.  The gift fund automatically sends a cover letter and Ann splits it up accordingly.
  • To use a credit card, you call Gayle Gibbons, the administrative assistant in Marcy’s department (860-685-2537) and she’ll take your donation and card number directly.