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EQV Fraternity 1954 - 1968


Appendix A to the History of EQV
The Case Against the reestablishment of AXP at Wesleyan

Table of Contents

  • The Case Against the  reestablishment of AXP at Wesleyan

  • Statement by Bruce Kirmmse

  • A Statement by Norman Daniels

  • A Statement by Stephen D. Crites 

Appendix B to the History of EQV
Copies of original documents related to the break with Alpha Chi Rho

Table of Contents

  • A letter from Henry Anderson (’40) and Don Hinman (president of the Phi Gamma Chapter) to all Phi Gamma alumni about the conflict with AXP, dated May 20, 1958.  (3 pages)

  • The initial suspension letter from AXP to Phi Gamma chapter members, 
    dated November 1, 1958. (1 page)

  • The final suspension letter from AXP to Phi Gamma chapter members
    dated September 28, 1959. (1 page)

  • A letter to the AXP publication Garnet and White by Bob Patricelli, dated January 9, 1959.  (2 pages)  The letter was not published, but was subsequently sent to the Phi Gamma alumni with Gus Napier’s letter of April 15, 1959.

  • A letter from Gus Napier to the alumni of the Phi Gamma chapter explaining the situation, dated April 15, 1959. (2 pages)

  • A document written by Robert Moore (’15) and sent to all Phi Gamma alumni, dated April 4, 1959.  The darker print, which is hard to ascertain on these copies, was printed in red in the original.  (5 pages)

  • A letter from Steve Derby, Rush Chairman, to the members of the incoming class of 1963, dated July 1959, the summer in which the Phi Gamma suspension was lifted. (3 pages)

  • A letter from seven Phi Gamma alumni to Phi Gamma alumni entitled “The Crisis is Here,” dated September 15, 1959.  (9 pages)

Appendix C to the History of EQV
Copies of original documents related to last years of the fraternity

Table of Contents

  • A copy of the EQV Constitution dated May 8, 1962.  (6 pages)

  • A document entitled “EQV at Wesleyan,” probably written in late 1965.  (3 pages)

  • A document entitled “EQV Newsletter,” dated November, 1965, bringing the members up to date on events related to housing and rent.  (4 pages)

  • A document, reportedly written by EQV President Louis Loeb, “A Short Disquisition Upon the State of Fraternities at Wesleyan, probably dated 1966.  The document was meant for freshmen.  (1 page)

  • An application for a university loan to wind up the affairs of EQV.  (2 pages)

  • Documents relating to the settlement of EQV’s debts.  (4 pages)

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